WEEK 7: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (6)
In Morgenstern’s novel the primary driver of the plot is the rivalry between two magician, Hector and Mr. A.H. Through the telling of the story we come to learn the downfall of such a drastic competition, as it comes to affect not only them, but everyone around them. In fact, Hector’s passion for competition even blinded him from noticing his own daughter. His wife, his daughter’s mother, left a note after her suicide and he didn’t even budge at the news and failed to take care of his daughter. The only time he notices her is when he realizes that she too has magic within her. This makes him realize that she could be another ploy for his rivalry. This gives him another opportunity to compete.
As a result however, he now pushes his daughter to live the same way he has throughout is life, in solitude. His magician existence has pushed him to isolate himself in order to protect his identity, however he couldn’t even find friendship with fellow magicians as he only sees them as competitors. Forcing his daughter to live in isolation and dedicate her life to magic, and even pushing his limits by abusing her by going as far as breaking her wrist is a direct result to his love for competition. He is ready to sacrifice his own daughter for the sake of victory. Even after death, he manages to keep contact with the living world in order to ensure that Celia and Marco continue the rivalry. Although, as we come to learn the two of them fall in love, which is not entirely surprising, as they both are aware their entire existence revolves around the cowardice of their guardian. They share the same experience and thus understand one another. They thus grew to understand the mistakes of their mentor and are now improving the lives of the next progenies.
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